Forex Trading Sessions Time | Forex Session?

Forex Trading Sessions Times

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Forex trading sessions time, forex trading is all about being at the right place at the right time. You set your strategy, you set your entry and you set your exit. But what if you could be in front of your screen during times that’s proven to perform best?

This Forex session times list will give you the four most out-of-the-box Forex trading strategies that you can implement right away. No tools needed besides an operational computer. You might just find some crazy ROI overnight.

The forex trading sessions mean you can trade a foreign currency during several times of the day and the Forex session names are used to set the time of day.

When you can place trades and using FX charting software like Forex Tester 2 or Saxo Bank or Trading Station and so on to know when is the best time to buy currency pair. What sessions are available for forex trading? What type of FXTrader is forex morning trade in?

We will address all these questions in order to give you a clear idea about the forex trading sessions so that you can start your forex day trading properly.

The New Zealand Dollars is the most active currency when it comes to forex trading sessions. This is due to the country’s geography that allows it to have more than one trading session in a day. Forex traders will immediately be able to trade in New York, London, Asia and Sydney/Melbourne.

Many people are not aware of the day-to-day changes that go on in the Forex market. There are two sessions to look at: premarket, which is from 4 pm – 5pm EST and the prime time, which is 7 pm to 11 pm EST.

Key to note

  • Forex trading sessions times
  • London forex market open time
  • Forex trading sessions in Nigeria time
  • New york session forex time
  • Forex market opening time in india
  • Worst time to trade forex
  • Best time to trade eur/usd
  • Best time to trade usd/jpy
  • What are the 4 trading sessions?
  • Sydney session forex pairs
  • London session forex pairs
  • Best time to trade gbpusd
  • Best time to trade audusd
  • Best time to trade nzdusd
  • New york session forex pairs
Forex Trading Sessions Times

Forex trading sessions times

Forex trading sessions start at 8:00 am EST, 3:00 pm GMT and end at 5:00 pm EST, 11:00 pm GMT. The first trading session begins when the market opens for business in New York City.

The second trading session begins at the close of the first session in New York City and continues until 3:30 pm EST (10:30 am PST). After that, the market is open to traders based in London, Tokyo, Sydney and Hong Kong.

Forex Traders are usually able to trade during the entire week as many Forex brokers offer both 24/5 trading and weekend trading hours.

However, it’s important to note that not all Forex brokers offer weekend trading so you should check with your broker before you join them if this is something that’s important to you.

Forex trading sessions times is a useful resource for those who want to learn about the Forex trading sessions. It is important for a Forex trader to know about the different Forex trading sessions because it will help him decide where to place his trades.

There are three main Forex trading sessions in a day. These are:

New York Session (Nyse, Nasdaq) – Starts at 6:00 pm EST/5:00 pm CST/3:00 pm PST

London Session – Starts at 8:00 am GMT/9:00 am CET/6:00 am EST/2:30 am PST (delivery)

Tokyo Session – Starts at 5:30 am GMT/6:30 am CET/3:30 am EST/12:30 am PST (delivery)

Forex trading sessions times have a big impact on the Forex market. The time of day and time of week can affect the price of currencies, which can be exploited by traders.

The forex market is open 24 hours a day, five days a week. The forex market is closed on weekends and public holidays in most countries. Each country also has its own set of holidays that may affect forex trading sessions times.

Read more article: How to be a Forex Broker | Beginners Guide

Forex Trading Sessions Times

London forex market open time

The London forex market is the largest and most liquid in the world. It opens at 8:00am on Monday morning, London time.

The London forex market is open for business for five days a week, from 8:00am to 5:00pm London time. The European Central Bank (ECB) sets the official currency exchange rate for all currencies traded in this market.

The ECB sets its currency exchange rate every Thursday morning, which takes effect on Friday morning at 4:30am when trading begins at 8:00am.

The London forex market is one of the largest and most liquid in the world. It’s also home to some of the most famous currency pairs. The following are some of the biggest names in the London forex market:



The London forex market opens at 8:00am GMT, which is the same time as New York. The London forex market closes at 5:00pm GMT.

The London forex market opens at 0:00 UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) or also known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

This means that traders who want to trade in the London market during its hours will have to trade during the Asian or Australian session, or during the New York session.

London is a major financial center for Europe, so it’s important for traders who want to trade in Europe to understand how this time zone affects their trading options.

Forex Trading Sessions Time

Forex trading sessions in Nigeria time

The Forex market is one of the largest, most liquid markets in the world. The currencies of nearly 200 countries are traded 24 hours a day, 5 days a week.

There are several sessions during each day when most currency pairs are open for trading. The Forex market has four main sessions: London, New York, Tokyo and Sydney.

The forex market is open 24 hours a day, 5 days a week, except for some holidays. The forex market is open in the US on Mondays and Fridays from 5pm to 4:15am EST (11:00pm to 10:15am GMT).

The rest of the week, the US market is closed. The Asia session starts at 8pm EST (3am GMT), while Europe opens at 9am EST (4am GMT).

The other forex markets have their own schedules as well. In Japan, for example, most forex trading takes place during two sessions: morning and afternoon.

The Forex market is a global market that operates 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. The market is open on Saturdays from 6:00 PM GMT to 5:59 PM GMT, Sundays from 6:00 PM GMT to 5:59 PM GMT, and on Mondays from 7:00 AM GMT to 5:59 AM GMT.

Forex trading sessions in Nigeria Time Zone are as follows:

Sessions Start End

Sunday 6pm GMT 7am GMT Monday

Monday 7am GMT 5pm GMT Tuesday

In Nigeria, the forex market opens at 9pm on Sunday and closes at 6pm on Friday. The closing time is different from country to country as it depends on their location and the time zone they are in.

Countries like Australia have their closing time at 2am while others like China have theirs at 11pm.

The forex market follows the North American time zone which means that when they close it is 2am New York time or 8pm London time.

This makes it difficult for people based in Nigerian to trade during US or UK hours because of the huge difference between their closing times and ours!

Forex Trading Sessions Time

New York session forex time

New York session forex time is from 9:30 AM EST to 5:00 PM EST. It is the most liquid market in the world, which means that it has the greatest volume of trading.

Individuals and professional traders alike use this time zone to trade. The New York opening bell is released at 8:15 am EST and the closing bell at 4:00 pm EST.

The New York trading day ends at 5:00 pm EST, but you will often see markets remain open for a few minutes after the closing bell to allow traders to complete their orders at the last price before they are removed from the books

The New York session is typically the most liquid of all 24 hours in the forex market. This means that there are more traders around to buy and sell currencies, and prices are therefore more likely to move sharply.

The New York session begins at 00:00 (GMT) and ends at 21:00 (GMT). The opening price of the New York session is called the “fix” because it is set by a group of banks called Intercontinental Exchange (ICE). The fix price is used as a benchmark for other currencies in the region.

Forex Trading Sessions Time

Forex market opening time in India

The Forex market is the biggest, most liquid and most accessible market in the world. It has been estimated that in 2010, some $4 trillion was traded per day on currency exchanges worldwide.

The Forex market is open 24 hours a day, 5 days a week, except for holidays declared by individual countries’ financial regulators.

Most major currencies trade between 7:00am and 3:00pm London time (GMT). The exception to this rule are the Australian dollar and New Zealand dollar which trade between 6:00am and 4:00pm London time (GMT).

If you want to know what time the Forex market opens where you live, please check our country specific pages or contact us directly at [email protected]

The forex market is open 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. It is closed on weekends and holidays.

The forex market opens at 9:30 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The forex market closes at 5:00 p.m. EST on those days.

The forex market opens at 8:00 a.m. British Summer Time (BST) on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. The forex market closes at 4:00 p.m. BST on those days.

The forex market opens at 00:00 GMT and closes at 22:00 GMT. The currency pair that has the highest volume of trading is the US dollar (USD) which is also known as the greenback.

The USD is the most used currency in international trade, so it’s no surprise that it has such a large share of the Forex market.

The Euro (EUR) has been gaining popularity over the past few years, but it still trails well behind the USD in terms of total volume traded.

The Japanese Yen (JPY) is another popular currency used in forex trading, with several countries using it as their official currency including China and Japan itself.

The British Pound (GBP) is another major player in the ForeX market along with other currencies like Swiss Francs (CHF), Canadian Dollars (CAD), Australian Dollars (AUD), New Zealand Dollars (NZD), Malaysian Ringgits (MYR) and Hong Kong Dollars (HKD).

Forex Trading Sessions Time

Worst time to trade forex

The worst time to trade forex is when you’re tired, hungry or stressed. If you are in the market and feeling tired, hungry or stressed, take a break and do something else for a while. Come back later when you’ve had some sleep, food and exercise.

The worst time to trade forex is on an empty stomach. If you’re hungry, go get something to eat before you start trading. You’ll be more likely to make poor decisions due to hunger if you don’t eat before trading or during breaks in your trading day.

The worst time to trade forex is after a bad day or two of losses. If you have lost money in two or three consecutive trades, take a break from trading until you feel like yourself again.

During market hours, the forex market is in a constant state of flux. There are always new traders entering the market and others leaving it.

The prices of currencies change constantly, and every trader has their own set of rules that they follow when trading.

All of this results in a market that is constantly moving and changing, making it difficult for any one trader to keep up with everything going on around them.

The best way to deal with this is to simply wait until after market hours have passed before trying to make any trades.

Once you have some time away from the market, you can look at historical data and identify trends that have been emerging over time.

Read more article: Who is a Forex Broker? All You Need to Know

Forex Trading Sessions Time

Best time to trade eur/usd

The EUR/USD is one of the most traded pairs in the world, and there are many technical traders who follow its price action closely. The pair is also a proxy for risk sentiment in the forex world, since it tracks economic growth in the U.S. and Europe.

If you’re looking to trade this pair, it’s important to know when it’s most likely to move so that you can plan your trades accordingly.

Here are some of the best times to trade the EUR/USD:

Best time to trade eur/usd during the U.S. trading session

This is probably one of the most obvious times to trade any currency pair, but it’s worth noting anyway because there are a few factors that make this time better than others for certain traders:

1) Price tends to be more volatile during U.S. hours, so there’s more opportunity for traders who want to take bigger risks or for those who have large accounts with high leverage (see below).

2) If you’re going short on the euro against the dollar, you can use leverage from your broker (see below).

Forex Trading Sessions Time

Best time to trade usd/jpy

The best time to trade USD/JPY is when the market is trending. This means that you should wait until the market has moved higher or lower in a strong trend and then enter the market with your trade.

When you enter at a good point, there’s less chance that you’ll get stopped out. If you buy at a bad point, then it’s more likely that the trade will fail and that you’ll lose money.

The best times to trade are when there’s a clear trend to follow. You want to look for times when there’s just one direction for the price and no signs of reversal.

The USD/JPY currency pair is one of the most popularly traded pairs in the world, with traders and investors using it as a gauge of risk sentiment.

This is because the Japanese yen is considered a safe-haven currency, while the U.S. dollar is viewed as a risky asset.

The USD/JPY pair can be traded during both the European and U.S. sessions, but there are times when it’s best to trade this pair during one session or another – depending on your time zone and trading style.

In this article we’ll look at some of these times, as well as some other factors that can help you increase your profits when trading this pair during different times of day.

Forex Trading Sessions Time

What are the 4 trading sessions?

Trading sessions are the times when financial markets are open for business. When you trade stocks, options or futures, you’ll need to know when trading is taking place to make your trades and manage your positions.

1. London session (New York time) runs from 6:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., Sunday through Friday

2. Tokyo session (New York time) runs from 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., Sunday through Friday

3. Sydney session (New York time) runs from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Sunday through Friday

4. Singapore session (New York time) runs from 5:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Sunday through Friday

EUR/USD and GBP/USD are the most popular pairs for day traders and scalpers, as these currencies are traded in the London session. EUR/USD is also traded in the New York session, but there are fewer participants.

The USD/JPY is one of only two pairs that trades throughout the day. It trades in all four sessions, making it easy to trade from anywhere in the world.

The AUD/USD and NZD/USD also trade throughout the day, although they do so on a different exchange than USD/JPY, so they don’t have quite as much liquidity.

Forex Trading Sessions Time

Sydney session forex pairs

The Sydney session is named after the city of Sydney, Australia. The Sydney session starts at 9 p.m. in New York and ends at 4 a.m. on the Far East coast.

The Australian dollar has been trading as a currency pair with the Japanese yen since 1995, when it became one of the first Asian currencies to be quoted on the FOREX market.

Other popular pairs include AUD/USD, AUD/JPY, GBP/AUD and EUR/AUD. The Australian dollar is the sixth most traded currency in the world and the third most traded currency in Asia.

It is also a very active currency, with trading volumes on average exceeding one billion AUD per day and more than two billion AUD per day on days when there are major economic indicators released by Australian authorities.

As such, it is important for traders to understand how to trade this currency pair during the Sydney session.

The Sydney session, also known as the Asian session, is the fifth and last trading session of the forex market. It begins at 11:00 AM (UTC) and ends at 03:00 PM (UTC).

The Sydney session is similar to the Tokyo, Hong Kong, London and New York sessions. The difference between these sessions is that the Sydney session ends earlier than most other sessions.

Forex Trading Sessions Time

London session forex pairs

The London session is the most liquid, and has the most trading volume than any other time of day. This makes it a great time to trade if you want to make some quick money or if you are going to be holding on to your positions for some time.

The London session is open from 8:00pm EST until 5:00pm EST (2:00am -11:00am GMT).

The London session is good for trading the following pairs:

GBP/USD (British Pound vs US Dollar)

EUR/GBP (Euro vs British Pound)

AUD/USD (Australian Dollar vs US Dollar)

Forex Trading Sessions Time

Best time to trade gbpusd

The GBP/USD is the most liquid pair in the world and often has a strong influence on other currencies. The GBP/USD pair is traded around the clock, but some times of day are better than others for trading.

The best time to trade the GBP/USD depends on your trading style and experience. The following information will help you determine what time is best for you to trade this currency pair.

Best Time to Trade GBP/USD: A Guide

If you are a beginner trader, it is best to start with a 10-minute chart. Trading with a longer time frame can be confusing and overwhelming at first;

however, this can easily be overcome with practice and knowledge of how price action works on different time frames.

Once you become more familiar with the market and its behavior, you may want to move up to a higher time frame such as 1-hour or even 4-hour charts. This will allow you to see larger trends at play and make better decisions based on that information.

Forex Trading Sessions Time

Best time to trade audusd

The AUDUSD is one of the most popular currency pairs in the world, and it’s an important pair to trade because it is used as a safe haven from global economic volatility.

The AUDUSD can be traded all day long, but there are certain times when it’s better to trade than others. Here are some tips on when to trade this pair:

Best Time to Trade AUDUSD

The AUDUSD tends to move in a range during the early part of the day, so traders can expect a quiet start to trading with little movement on either side of the market.

This is due in part to the fact that Asian markets open up before European markets do.

However, once European markets open up and start moving around 9:00 AM EST, traders should pay attention because this is often when momentum begins for the day.

Best Time to Trade AUDUSD

Trading trends tend to pick up steam late in the afternoon and into evening trading hours as traders look ahead toward their home market closing times.

This means that if there are any major news events happening at home or abroad, you can expect big moves in both directions during this time period because investors will want their positions closed before going home for

Best time to trade nzdusd

The NZDUSD is a very liquid pair and it trades around the clock. However, there are certain times of the day when you can take advantage of the increased liquidity and volatility.

The best times to trade this pair are from 09:00-12:00 GMT, 13:00-16:00 GMT, 17:00-19:00 GMT, and 20:00-23:00 GMT. These are the times when the US Dollar is at its strongest against the NZ Dollar and hence, it gives you a better chance of making a profit on your trades.

The NZDUSD is an extremely liquid pair and is one of the most popular currencies to trade. The NZDUSD has been a highly traded pair for decades, with its popularity driven by the high volume of trading in New Zealand’s capital city of Wellington.

Trading the NZDUSD is a great way to get started in forex trading as it allows you to practice your skills with a highly liquid currency pair that moves quickly.

Forex Trading Sessions Time

New York session forex pairs

New York session is from 7:00 PM ET to 5:00 AM ET. The New York session is the most active of the day, as it is the time when many major companies release their quarterly results. This can cause volatility in the markets, making it a good time for trading.

EUR/USD – The Euro and US Dollar have an inverse relationship with each other. When the dollar strengthens against other currencies, it weakens against the Euro and vice versa.

This pair can be traded using simple or advanced technical analysis tools such as moving averages, Bollinger bands and Fibonacci retracement levels.

GBP/USD – The Pound (GBP) compared to the US Dollar (USD) has an inverse relationship due to its strong economic ties with America.

It also has a stronger correlation with other commodities such as oil price changes than other currency pairs do because they are both priced in USD terms; therefore any change in oil prices will affect GBP/USD too!

You can use simple or advanced technical analysis techniques on this pair such as moving averages, Fibonacci retracements, Bollinger bands etc…

Forex Trading Sessions Time


Forex trading is indeed popular and useful in terms of making profits. But all traders must know when this forex market opens and closes in their part of the world.

Every market has particular Forex trading hours which certainly don’t change per se, but rather during this forex open/close time frame there are opportunities which are best to be seized.

By learning the Forex trading sessions times and being aware of exactly when the forex market will be opening and closing, you can take the best advantage of it.

Remember: your Forex trading sessions times are not the same as those for your local time zone. This means that you may find yourself up late to do some trading, or getting up early if you’re trading in the morning.

Don’t allow this to distract you from your other responsibilities, such as your job and family. Make sure that you’re set up to trade during uniquely good times according to your schedule.

Being aware of the forex trading session times can work in your favor. The popular belief is that “the trend is your friend” which means it is best to trade with the trend.

For example, if you’re trading the GBP/USD currency pair you would trade during London time because it is best to be in sync with the companies which set the trends. It’s just common sense, right?

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